Radstock Primary School

Radstock Primary School

Soaring for Success


"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science" ~ Edwin Hubble

At Radstock Primary School, Science is taught through subject-specific lessons within our cross-curricular Learning Projects. As Science makes up the world around us and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, we feel it is crucial that the children develop a detailed understanding of biology, chemistry and physics. Through a range of tasks, discussions and investigations, the children will learn a range of scientific skills and concepts. During each year, they will build upon both of these in order to become inquisitive and enthusiastic scientists.


As stated in the National Curriculum, Science is split into two areas:

Working scientifically:

By the end of Year 6, children will be able to plan, carry out and write up full investigations, which will include clear conclusions and considered evaluations. Therefore, throughout their school journey, they will build upon their “working scientifically” skills in order to develop their understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science. These skills are embedded amongst the different biology, chemistry and physics areas of study.


Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding:

Throughout their Radstock journey, the children will further develop and deepen their understanding of scientific concepts within biology, chemistry and physics. The children will have the opportunity to use knowledge learnt in previous years to help them understand these scientific concepts in more detail, using a wide range of scientific vocabulary accurately and confidently. These areas of study include: Animals, including humans; Earth and Space; Electricity; Everyday materials/Properties and changes of materials; Evolution and Inheritance; Forces and magnets; Light; Living things and their habitats; Plants; Rocks; Seasonal changes; Sound; States of matter.


By developing all of these skills, the children will understand the significance of Science, both in the present day and in the future, and will have plenty of opportunities to explore the many exciting and curious elements of Science.